
Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Real Me

  • Sometimes I like rainy days for lazying around, reading books, watching movies, reading blogs, or writing in my journal
  • I really like cool sunny days...especially at the coast
  • As I get older, I have a harder time making up my mind about things
  • As I get older, I do know what I like and don't like though
  • I love to sing to music...when it starts playing, I just can't help myself
  • I love to laugh...a lot
  • I love the Andy Griffith TV show
  • I love the Dick vanDyke TV show
  • I love I Love Lucy...especially the candy factory one and the grape stomping one
  • I am very claustrophobic...I do not like tight spaces...I do not like to feel like I cannot breathe
  • I want to travel the world...experience new things...even though I am scared to death to fly
  • I am extremely introverted
  • I don't like to be in large crowds
  • I don't like being in new visiting a church, or going to a work party, or doing jury duty
  • I loved the smell of my babies
  • I loved nursing my two boys...the best ever
  • I don't like to drive in a lot of traffic
  • I love to journal...I have done so since Michael and I met
  • I love the color brown
  • I have struggled with my weight since the birth of my second son, but especially after my miscarriage
  • I cannot walk very fast because of nerve damage when Jar was born
  • I love to explore new places and take photos
  • I have always loved horses. When I was little, I collected plastic horses, and my grandma made me a horse quilt
  • I love love love to read
  • I am a great gift giver
  • I am a great friend
  • I am a great listener...which is what makes me a great friend
  • I love finding great little cafes
  • I have always loved photography
  • I always like to learn new things...Cam keeps me up to date on things
  • I don't like to take tests though...Please, don't test me on what I learn
  • My brain is constantly running...especially at night
  • Sometimes I have to sleep on the couch...because my brain is constantly running
  • I don't like to be out at night
  • I love to be at home
  • I don't like my hair in my face
  • I only wear makeup when I go out
  • I love green tea
  • I cannot have caffeine
  • I love scarves
  • I cannot stand to dust the furniture or clean the bathrooms
  • I love having two boys close together
  • I have favorite blankets
  • I love reality Survivor, Amazing Race, The Apprentice, Shark Tank, Master Chef
  • I love music...especially Christmas music
  • I love Romantic The Wedding Planner, You've Got Mail, My Best Friend's Wedding
  • I am very organized
  • I like to decorate...and I am very good at it
  • I have homeschooled the boys all the way up until now
  • I cut my own hair, I cut all 3 boy's hair, and I cut my dog's hair
  • I love coffee ice cream and mint chocolate chip ice cream
  • I love to eat salads...when someone else makes them
  • I am very athletic...though I never played on official school teams...except in college (I played soccer)
  • I love snickers candy bars...I used to love Whatchamacallit candy bars
  • I mostly like to photograph our every day life, our adventures, and for sure the boys
  • I like to do lots of special things for people I love
  • I over think everything way too much
  • I love cute beach/coastal towns
  • I love cute small towns
  • I love cute coffee shops
  • I am obsessed with jeeps

  • I am a really good cook, but I despise cooking. I have to do it anyway...every day
  • I hate to go grocery shopping
  • I love the Chrysler 300 car

  • I love the sound of a lawnmower...and the smell of fresh cut grass
  • I love to garden
  • I love the sound of a chainsaw...takes me back to my childhood...when we cut wood as a family
  • I love to hear the birds chirping in the morning...well, all day for that matter
  • I love to go a camper...not a tent (tents are too humid and too cold or hot)
  • I love retro campers

  • I would love to have a vacation house near the water...lake, river, or ocean
  • I love to blog
  • I love Christmas ornaments
  • I love the whole month of December...because of Christmas
  • I love having a little dog...even though she yaps too much
  • I love to swim...I have been called a mermaid before
  • I love to get samples from anywhere
  • I love purses
  • I buy my Christmas gifts months ahead of time
  • I love to rent vacation houses
  • I love Rochester, NY
  • I love Carmel by the Sea in CA
  • I love dolphins
  • Tigers are my favorite animal...always have been



Sleep is so important!! Recently, I listened to an expert talk about the importance of sleep. Adults need 8 hours of sleep, which really means that they should be in bed for 9 hours (because it takes some time to get to sleep). Teens should get 9-10 hours of sleep, which means that they should be in bed for 10-11 hours.

I have always felt that good sleep was important. I believe that we are not getting enough sleep in America. We are racing here and there, having to get up way too early and going to bed way too late. Our kids go to bed at crazy hours, trying to get their homework done. Kids are involved in way too many activities, so they are always rushing here and rushing there. Sometimes teens only get 4-6 hours of sleep a night. I think that this is a shame. We are teaching our kids that sleep is not that important.

So remember, sleep is just as important as eating clean food and getting plenty of exercise.



Michael has not dressed up at work for Halloween in many years. We do not celebrate Halloween, but he does like to dress up for work on this day.

This year he did his full camouflage gear. He looked really good. It is the only moment I have my man in uniform.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Being a parent is so hard. Letting go is so hard.

Yesterday Cam got his driver's license. That wasn't so bad. It made me feel old and I was nervous for him, but other than that, it was fine.

Today Cam went out by himself to the Library. Now, that was hard! Seeing him there in the vehicle by himself, ready to back out of the driveway, was so difficult. It took me back to when he was little. I could picture him sitting in his car seat in the back. I never knew this day would come so quickly. WOW!!!

I remember how great it feels to start to feel grown-up. I know that one of these steps is getting your driver's license and being able to drive yourself somewhere...instead of depending on your parents. I remember this...and yet, I still don't want it to happen. I am not ready for it to happen. It feels like we skipped all of the moments in between, and here he is ready to be a man. Wow, this is really hard!!!

He sure was happy though...all smiley as he backed out of the driveway. All of these moments are so special...even though they are so difficult at the same time.


Things I've learned

Things I have learned:
  1. Don't save things only for special occasions
  2. Have/Give a hug everyday
  3. Be more forgiving and generous
  4. Be present
  5. Live in the moment
  6. Enjoy the moment
  7. Men and Women really are from Mars and Venus
  8. Camping is good for bonding time
  9. Remember birthdays...and celebrate the whole week of your birthday...doing small special things
  10. Spend quality time together
  11. Make Christmas special
  12. Vacations are important
  13. Loving each other using the LOVE Languages really does work
  14. Patience IS a virtue
  15. Being a parent is the toughest job ever
  16. Children ARE a blessing from the Lord
  17. Sleep is so important
  18. Eating healthy is critical
  19. Exercise heals
  20. Say "I love you" daily...or even more


Motivation can be a tricky thing. I believe that life can sometimes get in the way of our motivation. I have read books, magazine articles, and web articles on the subject of motivation.

Here is a list of ways to sustain motivation:

  • Hold yourself back at first. Don't start an exercise program or any program with full gusto--slowly increase over time. This has been a difficult one for me. I always want to kill myself the first time.
  • Just start...just put your shoes on and go--don't keep thinking about how hard it is. 
  • Stay accountable. Write your workouts and food down. Show them to someone. Commit daily. Reward yourself for certain increments and accomplishments.
  • Squash negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.
  • Think about the benefits. Really visualize yourself at the end goal.
  • Get excited again...pump yourself up. 
  • Read about books or blogs to inspire and reinvigorate you.
  • Find like-minded friends...encourage each other.
  • Build on your successes. (add 2-5 minutes to your workout time; add a heavier weight; celebrate that you started; celebrate every little milestone; make each step a small increment).
  • Tiny steps add up to a lot of progress and a lot of success.
  • Just get through the low points.
  • Chart your progress...mark it off on your calendar.
  • Reward yourself often...just not with food.
  • Never skip 2 days in a row.
  • Beware of the urges to quit...remember the benefits. Go exercise when the urge to quit arises.
  • Find pleasure again...find pleasure in a walk or in eating healthy.
  • Find what makes you feel good...blast your favorite song and sing and dance to it; use Elliptical while watching your favorite TV show or movie.
  • Be more energetic...move more.
  • Be efficient...don't wast time.


Garage Organization

I love to organize...I need to organize. I cannot stand clutter. I am always looking for ways to organize my house better. Living in a small house can sometimes create challenges for keeping everything in its place. Here is a glimpse of how I organize our garage.

To help with garage organization, we have two sheds. The smaller one holds yard work tools...lawnmower, weed eater, shovels, rakes, sprinklers, etc. The bigger shed holds our grill and car parts right now (later it will store our lawn furniture).



Ever since my nerve damage 14 years ago, I have not really been able to walk for exercise. I cannot walk fast enough because my right leg and hip don't move correctly. I miss walking for exercise so much.

I had to find another way to exercise indoors. I still like to do aerobics, but sometimes I want to watch TV/Movies when I work out. I bought the Elliptical, with some trepidation. It took me a couple of weeks to get used to the movement of the Elliptical, but then I loved it. I can go fast on the Elliptical without the problems that walking gives me. I still miss walking on the treadmill, but the Elliptical has become really enjoyable to me.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Driver's License

Today was a big day. Cam got his driver's license. We were all so nervous for him, because you just never know what kind of person you will get to test you. Fortunately, he got a really nice older woman. He told me later that he had prayed that it would be an older woman.

He drove the HUGE...Excursion. That thing is so huge to take your driving test on--we were a little concerned about that. The hardest part is parking (because it has no turning radius) and the huge mirrors (because they stick out so much on an already huge vehicle).

The crazy thing was that he had to take another written test--just like the test he took to pass his permit. (I can't believe they have to do this again...poor guy)

We celebrated by going to Red Robin. The boys split a burger and fries and an Oreo cookie shake, and I got a mini wedge salad. After lunch, we went to Best Buy. Cam picked out a video camera stabilizer for his special little gift.

All I can say is that I am glad that is over. I am sure I was way more nervous than he was. It is hard to be a mom.

On our way to take the driving test

Jar and I waiting while Cam took the test



Monday, October 28, 2013


The boys and I had a dentist appointment today. I do not like to go to the dentist at all. My teeth have become very sensitive, and I don't like to hold my mouth open for so long. I have a tendency to have some anxiety because of not being able to swallow. Every time I go to the dentist, I remember the Bill Cosby comedy tape I used to have with his dentist routine. I love that!!


Pet Peeve

I have many pet peeves, but there is one that really drives me crazy. Let me use these photos to explain.

Please walk a few more steps to put away your carts, people!!!

Coffee Huts

In the Pacific Northwest coffee is a big deal. Of course, there is Starbucks everywhere. To be honest I don't even like Starbucks any more. Their coffee tastes like flavored hot milk. I found a really great coffee that I do now instead. It is a distance from me, so I only go there a few times a year.

What is really popular here in the Pacific Northwest are coffee huts. They are everywhere, even more than Starbucks. I have got coffee there a couple of times, but what the boys and I really like to get there are Italian Sodas. They are fantastic. Every summer, we get one on our last day of school.


College Football

It has been almost 8 years since we have really followed college football and rooted for a team. Yesterday was our first game that we watched. We had recorded it on Saturday. It was so fun to hear that sound again. There is just something about a football game sound. It actually put Michael to sleep. :) (Just like a Nascar and Indy race does).


Eating Healthy

Eating healthy has been a priority of mine. We got a little off course while Michael was in school. Now that he is done and we are settled into our routine, it is back to really healthy eating.

Michael picked up groceries for me last night--which I so appreciate because I truly hate to grocery shop. Here is a look at my counters as I am drying the lettuce and the herbs.

This morning I got back into our routine of juicing. It tasted so good. My juice was carrot, kale, spring mix lettuce, parsley, and apple. The boys had carrot, spring lettuce mix, and apple juice. I truly was not hungry until lunch time.


Saturday, October 26, 2013


I am so glad that Michael is done with college...MBA. What a crazy life we had the past 3 1/2 years. It is so nice to have some relaxing time together as a family now. It was really stressful for all of us for quite a while.

I leave you with a photo collage of Michael studying--he was trying to stay awake.
