
Thursday, October 31, 2013


Sleep is so important!! Recently, I listened to an expert talk about the importance of sleep. Adults need 8 hours of sleep, which really means that they should be in bed for 9 hours (because it takes some time to get to sleep). Teens should get 9-10 hours of sleep, which means that they should be in bed for 10-11 hours.

I have always felt that good sleep was important. I believe that we are not getting enough sleep in America. We are racing here and there, having to get up way too early and going to bed way too late. Our kids go to bed at crazy hours, trying to get their homework done. Kids are involved in way too many activities, so they are always rushing here and rushing there. Sometimes teens only get 4-6 hours of sleep a night. I think that this is a shame. We are teaching our kids that sleep is not that important.

So remember, sleep is just as important as eating clean food and getting plenty of exercise.


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