
Thursday, October 31, 2013


Michael has not dressed up at work for Halloween in many years. We do not celebrate Halloween, but he does like to dress up for work on this day.

This year he did his full camouflage gear. He looked really good. It is the only moment I have my man in uniform.



  1. Received lots of compliments on the outfit at work today--I added an MP armband to the look, and informed people I was the "Money Police". Even had someone tell me I looked intimidating--of course, then I smiled at them. Had fun stopping people in the aisles and hallways as I said: You're going to have to leave this restricted area immediately", or walking up to someone's cubicle and stating: "I need you to come with me; you are being escorted from the building". Lots of fun--thanks to the family for the idea.
