![Love to all Bloggers from Blog Milk Shop #blogger and #wordpress themes. #Quotes:](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/95/96/d4/9596d4d9a628eaf00d038b5102c1c8ef.jpg)
These are my March/April Goals:
- Jar get his permit
- Jar finish homeschool
- Boys get snowboarding gear
- Boys go snowboarding
- Order school books for next year
- Get school ready for next year
- Do repairs and add-on's to camper
- Redo parking pad and sidewalk
- File taxes
- Weed all of yard and flower beds
- Fix basketball hoop
- Stain fence
- Clean up college room computer cords
- Declutter the college room
- Organize the whole house
- Declutter whole house
- Hang Jar's guitars
- Cam get a new phone
- Jar play cajone in church
- Jar play cajone at Mission
- Cut all of the boys hair
- Cut Lily's hair
- Set up Jar's testing
- Order rims for Cam's car
- Pressure wash the RV parking pad
- Take more photos with my camera
I see a lot of these were accomplished. :)