
Monday, April 25, 2016

March/April Goals

Love to all Bloggers from Blog Milk Shop #blogger and #wordpress themes. #Quotes:

These are my March/April Goals:
  1. Jar get his permit
  2. Jar finish homeschool
  3. Boys get snowboarding gear
  4. Boys go snowboarding
  5. Order school books for next year
  6. Get school ready for next year
  7. Do repairs and add-on's to camper
  8. Redo parking pad and sidewalk
  9. File taxes
  10. Weed all of yard and flower beds
  11. Fix basketball hoop
  12. Stain fence
  13. Clean up college room computer cords
  14. Declutter the college room
  15. Organize the whole house
  16. Declutter whole house
  17. Hang Jar's guitars
  18. Cam get a new phone
  19. Jar play cajone in church
  20. Jar play cajone at Mission
  21. Cut all of the boys hair
  22. Cut Lily's hair
  23. Set up Jar's testing
  24. Order rims for Cam's car
  25. Pressure wash the RV parking pad
  26. Take more photos with my camera

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