I have let people make me feel like what I do isn't good enough...that I am not good enough. I often don't see myself as adequate or important. I have found myself questioning those very things that I always said I would not question...like what is my purpose?...have I fulfilled my purpose?...have I set goals for myself and reached them?...etc.
One of my favorite quotes of all time is "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~ by Eleanor Roosevelt. I am constantly reminding my mom of this quote. And yet, I allowed this to happen to me.
I have let people make me feel like being a stay-at-home/homeschooling mom is not good enough. I have let people make me feel like I am not reaching my potential. I have let people make me feel like I don't have worth. I have let people make me feel like I have not contributed to this household by not working a job that pays me money. Believe me, I work plenty hard. I call myself a CEO of this family. I just don't get paid money for it.
I will not allow this any more.
It has gotten in the way of who I truly always wanted to be.
Since I was a young girl, all I ever wanted to be was a wife and mom. I knew from the time that I was a teenager that I never wanted a career. I wanted to get married, have children, and stay at home with my children and take care of them and raise them. At that time I did not know I wanted to homeschool, but that desire came later.
It has been the greatest thing to be a stay-at-home mom. It has been so rewarding and fulfilling. It has been incredible to homeschool the boys from the time they were 3 years old. I have seen them grow in this process, and I have loved every step of the way.
Women have made it clear that if you are not working a job, then you are not contributing to society. I don't believe that and never have. But, I have let that affect me so much in the past few years. I am upset at myself for this. I truly believe that the greatest contribution that you can give to society is raising great kids and creating a place of haven that they can call HOME.
That has been my focus over the past 17 1/2 years. I never thought about working a job that would take me away from my kids. However in the past few years, I have let thoughts of trying to make more money get in the way of what my goals have always been. Sure, everyone wants more money, but I really started to let it consume my thoughts. I felt like maybe if I was working, then we would have more money...to buy a bigger house, or have nicer cars, or go on exotic vacations.
I am disappointed in myself. I am disappointed that I allowed others to make me try to change who I was when all along this is where God has always wanted me. God has forever proven Himself to us. He has always taken care of us. We have never gone hungry. We have always had all that we needed, and beyond that, we have way more than we need. I am so thankful to God for this. I am sorry that I started thinking about having more and more money. It began to change who I am...I was beginning to not like myself.
God opened my eyes to all of this. He created me for what I am doing. He created me to be a wife...to be a mother...to be a homeschool mom. I don't need any more than that. I am happy with this for my life. I don't have to be a career woman. I don't have to contribute financially to be making a difference in our family. I really feel that I am living out my strengths in the best way possible by being here for my boys, by using every possible teaching moment that I can, and by creating a HOME for my family. This is what I am designed to be...what I was always designed to be. I want to be done comparing myself to others. I am unique, and I want to be the best unique ME that I can be.