
Monday, July 24, 2023

Life Lately (March - April, 2023)

March and April were very crazy months!! A lot happened in such a short time.

Here is what happened during March and April:

...Michael went with Bill for a drive in the snow

...some books that I read morning basket of Cam's Star Wars meals while in CA

...Jar worked on painting some D & D figurines

...I gave a gift basket to Mom for her birthday

...Cam's hair was long enough that I could braid it

...all of the receipts Cam had when he got back from CA

...Michael lost his job, got another job in Indiana, and put the house up for sale in a span of two weeks is a little bittersweet to leave this house. It is the only house the boys really know, as we have lived here for 17 years!

...Jar took the photos to list on Zillow. I think that helped to sell the house so quickly

...I went through everything and took tons to Goodwill

...I started packing immediately

...Jar went through all his stuff as well

...we put the truck and the Jeep up for sale

...God knew that we were going to need this storage unit back in December when Cam got it for his stuff. We used it to hold boxes that we packed until we moved.

...Michael took one last photo of the capitol building with the cherry blossoms in Salem

...I put the sauna up for sale

...we kept taking boxes to the storage unit

...we found the house that we liked in Wanamaker

...I continued daily to go through things, box them up for Goodwill, or box them up for the storage unit

...Lily helped

...Michael flew to Indiana for 2 weeks to start work and stayed with Kirsten. He worked for his keep.

...He built fences for the chickens

...he babysat the dogs

...Jar finished out his last days at Roth's

...the boys both got new batteries for their cars

Other happenings around here lately:
  • we all got our taxes done
  • we had a family night with American Idol and Korean BBQ
  • Jar went to paint D & D figures with the guys at the church
  • Cam went to the Fresno Zoo
  • Cam drove to and from California (he stayed for a month--was really sick for 2 weeks)
  • Michael lost his job (March 16, 2023)
  • Boys went to worship night at the church
  • Michael interviewed for Indiana job (March 22, 2023)
  • Michael had 2nd interview for Indiana job (March March 27, 2023)
  • Michael got Indiana job (March 31, 2023)
  • Boys went to see John Wick 4 with friends
  • Michael finished trim in house
  • Cam played piano for church worship night
  • we put the house up for sale (April 1, 2023)
  • we all panicked about the move
  • we got an offer on our house (April 6, 2023)
  • we went into contract on our house (April 7, 2023)
  • we put an offer on a house in Indiana (April 12, 2023)
  • we went into contract on house in Indiana (April 13, 2023)
  • we set up PO Box
  • Jar turned in his 2 week notice


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