
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Life Lately (July/August)

July and August flew by so quickly.

Here is what happened in July and August:

...Michael was in a fender/bender

...Jar painted an image on his jean jacket

...Michael working on fixing his car

...Cam's clean Subaru and newly painted rims

...Michael doing work on his computer at the junk yard while Cam was looking for parts for his Subaru

...Cam found leather seats for his Subaru

...I cleaned and organized the fridge

...Michael working on painting the closets upstairs

...Cam went shopping

...all of the stuff from the closets in our room while Michael paints them

...finished closet

...Cam's LEGO's

...the new downstairs closet

...Jar cleaning his Jeep

...I have had this blanket since college - 32 years old (I am finally getting rid of it as it is falling apart)

...I made Cam some lunch our Imperfect Foods order

...I got some books from the Library

...Michael set up a make-shift painting booth for painting the hood on his car

...Thrive Market order

...Michael working on his car

...too much college work

...these are amazing

...more Imperfect Foods produce

...books ready to go back to the Library

...Michael working

...Cam cleaning his Subaru

...I got the boys some baskets for their bathroom stuff under the sink

...Cam's amazing LEGO

...sheet pan dinners are the best

...Jar's 21st birthday

...Jar picking up a few things at Roth's

...what a cutie

...a great book I got from the Library

...the whole wall is coming down morning bin

...Lily is too much out Jar's closet

...deciding to take the doors off the closet

...the walls are coming down

...Cam at the piano going back now

...Cam making an ice cream cake

...another haul by Cam

...Cam's finished ice cream cake

...Jar busting through the seams

...Cam cleaning and organizing his closet

...Cam decided to take the doors off his closet too

...washing the ash off the truck

...another haul by Cam

...the end of the flower season

Other things happening around here lately:
  • Michael finished painting the livingroom
  • Cop came to the door and said Michael was in a "hit and run"
  • Michael fixed window and door locks on Jar's Jeep
  • Michael put can lights in master closet
  • I watched Where'd You Go, Bernadette

  • I started watching The Babysitter's Club
  • I mailed Chris a birthday package
  • Cam went to Mary's Peak with college group
  • Cam had his 90 day review and got a $3 raise
  • Cam went to the beach with 5 girls from college group (he met Kelly)
  • I started watching 800 Words (Australian show on UP TV)
  • I cleaned out both sheds

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