
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

May/June Goals

Love to all Bloggers from Blog Milk Shop #blogger and #wordpress themes. #Quotes:

These are my May/June Goals:
  1. Renovate the bathrooms
  2. Renovate the laundry room
  3. Cam do some minor updates on his car
  4. Jar clean his room and bring Lego's down from attic
  5. Cam clean and organize his room and get some new furniture
  6. Buy two new computers
  7. Me work on trying to get anxiety more in control
  8. Michael update his speakers on the Malibu
  9. Michael take some work trips
  10. Me minimize the house even more
  11. Exercise daily
  12. Boys begin their summer classes
  13. Boys go to YAM
  14. Boys go to soccer with YAM
  15. Jar sell some artwork to people at work
  16. Go hiking
  17. Pressure wash the house and all concrete
  18. Do moss removal powder on roof
  19. Michael work on HOA stuff
  20. Pay off most of credit card
  21. Go for more walks
  22. Eat Keto
  23. Cut Lily's hair
  24. Cut all of the boys hair
  25. Go to the coast for the day
  26. Take more photos with my camera
  27. One family day per month

These were my January/February Goals:  (I did not do March/April Goals)
  1. Watch Birdbox movie
  2. Go 100% Keto
  3. Have a few day dates with Michael (unfortunately, I have not been anywhere but here in town for the past four months)
  4. Have family movie night
  5. Watch college football
  6. Watch Super Bowl Game
  7. Go out to eat as a family
  8. Set up dentist appointments
  9. Go to breakfast or lunch with Mom
  10. Cut Michael's hair
  11. Cut boys' hair
  12. Cut Lily's hair
  13. Steam clean the rest of living room
  14. Read more
  15. Organize the dining room
  16. Organize the living room
  17. Organize the kitchen cupboards
  18. Organize Jar's closet
  19. Organize the bookshelves
  20. Organize the laundry room
  21. Organize Master closet
  22. Organize under all bathroom sinks
  23. Organize the garage shelves
  24. Organize the garage cupboards
  25. Organize master bedroom
  26. Exercise daily
  27. Do a few juice detox days
  28. Blog 3-5 times a week
  29. Play board games
  30. Plan menu out for Jan/Feb
  31. Plan some recipes for Valentine's Day
  32. Journal daily
  33. Devotions daily with gratitude journal
  34. Catch up on boys' journals
  35. Go through emergency list and check our supplies
  36. Watch Marie Kondo tv show on Netflix (organizing the konmarie way)
  37. Catch up on Criminal Minds on Netflix
  38. Take hormonal support daily
  39. Watch college championship football game

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