
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Life Lately

This is what has been happening around here lately:

...I helped Mom with cleaning out her garage. I took some pictures of some stuff we found

she used these dishes when we were growing up

the bag she used to carry her stuff to work

I have never seen anyone have as many extension cords as my mom

...Jar picked these up when he went shopping

he got this for Kyler for his birthday

...the credenza in the dining room is all finished

...Cam and I went out to the music store in Salem

...Cam picked this out at Trader Joe's (it was delicious)

...I made Korean beef, broccoli, and rice

...we went to a Japanese Grill after church one Sunday

this is what Cam got

...Cam, Michael, and I went to the Summerfest and the car show

Michael got fried marshmallows

Cam got a corn dog

these reminded both Michael and I of when were were little

...I cleaned out my closet

Mom made this afghan for me

...Mom's back yard

...Mom's finished guest room

...Cam got himself a caramel green apple smoothie

...a serene place to be downtown

...I found this in my box of letters (too funny)

...getting a lot done

...a beautiful evening of yard work

...Lily was freaked out about something. I had to carry her like this all day.

...out shopping with the boys

...I made seafood Alfredo for Jar for his birthday

...Jar doing a spa treatment on his face (steam bowl)

...these two handsome men

...we celebrated Jar's 19th birthday

...Jar's new shelving with his birthday gifts on top 

...Cam got this to hold his LEGO mini-figs

...Michael got this for me for our 25th Anniversary

...I made all kinds of prepared food for the boys while we were away on our anniversary trip (2 each of spaghetti and meatballs, lemon butter cheese filled tortellini, 2 each of roast beef and mashed potatoes)

...Jar had a special youth group to celebrate the senior class. He got a new Bible.

...Jar and his piles of food he eats

...this is from when Michael went on his trip to MN (Mall of America)

...Michael grew a beard for a while

...Michael and I were hosts at the brunch at church for two Sundays

...Michael and I saw this when we went grocery shopping

...Michael was going to work on Jar's Jeep (he looked like he was dressed up...kinda)

...a day at the office

...the figurines that Jar got for his birthday to put on his shelves in his room

...Jar had a scavenger hunt at the Woodburn outlets with the youth group

Other happenings around here lately:
  • I finally got rid of my cough after about 4 weeks
  • Cam had an appointment with ENT specialist about his right ear (Doctor thinks it is TMJ)
  • We cleaned out the attic
  • I took Mom out to breakfast for her birthday
  • Jar got registered for school and all his binders ready
  • We celebrated Jar's birthday with Korean BBQ from Bibimbap House and watched "Ready Player One"
  • Jar had youth group with other youth groups at church in Silverton
  • Mom and I did a lot of walking
  • Michael and I went away to Redmond on our 25th anniversary weekend
  • Both boys started college classes
  • Jar started his first college class
starting his classes


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