
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

What Wednesday

What we are eating this week:

...Korean BBQ
...chicken, potatoes, and broccoli rice bowls
...turkey sandwiches
...hamburgers and sweet potato fries

What I am remembering:

...when we went to Animal Kingdom before we moved to Oregon

Uncle David and Aunt Lee got them these fanny packs with $20 in them...they were thrilled

What I am excited about:

...getting Jar's graduation announcements in the mail
...Michael getting all the suspension done on Jar's Jeep

What I'm watching:

...Survivor (tonight)
...Rise (finale)
...The Voice
...American Idol
...Criminal Minds
...The Blacklist
...Timeless (last night)
...Law and Order:SVU

What I'm listening to: Pop playlist on Spotify
...Never Enough from The Greatest Showman soundtrack

What I'm reading:

...Sheet Pan Suppers
...Now You're Speaking My Language by Gary Chapman
...Living Beyond the Limits by Franklin Graham

What I'm loving:

...avocado and fresh tomatoes grapefruit sparking water
...iced coffee devotional book (Trusting God day by day)
...the sun shining (75 degrees)

What we've been up to

...watching Criminal Minds
...sending out graduation announcements
...lots of school work
...yard work on Jar's Jeep (suspension)

What I'm working on:

...organizing the whole house
...deep cleaning the house
...trying to eat healthier
...following my schedule to a T

What I'm dreading:

...the boys working more hours (more lunches to pack)
...really hot weather of summer

What we're doing this weekend:

...yard work
...celebrating Mother's Day on Jeep suspension

What I'm looking forward to next month:

...not doing any car work out my closet
...the boys getting the windows on their cars tinted
...going to the coast with the family for at least the day

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