
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

What Wednesday

What we are eating this week:

...burrito bowl
...steak and sweet potatoes
...garlic and butter pasta and meatballs
...pear, pecan, feta, and arugula salad
...easy chicken fried rice

What I am remembering:
...our first ever camping trip (and how Jar was addicted for fire-making)

What I am excited about:

...taking Jar's senior photos
...finishing our last day of homeschooling

What I'm watching:

...Survivor (tonight)
...The Voice
...American Idol
...Criminal Minds
...Law and Order:SVU

What I'm listening to:

...For King and Country
...Never Enough from The Greatest Showman soundtrack

What I'm reading:

...Clean My Space by Melissa Maker
...Grace, Not Perfection by Emily Ley
...What can I bring: Southern Food For Any Occasion by Elizabeth Heiskell

What I'm loving:

...egg salad grapefruit sparking water
...iced coffee
arugula, pear, pecan, feta salad
...the sun shining (75 degrees)

What we've been up to

...watching Criminal Minds
...lots of cooking (I've been cooking ahead)
...lots of school work
...yard work on Jar's Jeep (fog lights)
...Cam painted the calipers on his Subaru

What I'm working on:

...organizing the whole house
...deep cleaning the house
...trying to eat healthier
...following my schedule to a T
...weeding the flower beds
...ideas for Jar's senior photos

What I'm dreading:

...Jar graduating
...really hot weather of summer
...putting down mulch
...painting our bedroom

What we're doing this weekend:

...going through paperwork
...going out to breakfast
...going to Trader Joe's
...going to Lowe's

What I'm looking forward to next month:

...Jar graduating
...wrapping up my last year of homeschooling
...Michael doing the suspension on Jar's Jeep
...going to the coast with the family for at least the day

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