
Monday, April 16, 2018

Life Lately

It has been a busy past two weeks. Both boys worked ahead a little bit in preparation for their cousins coming from California. My hand continued to heal (still very red and continuing to peel). Michael was busy at work. He also did yard work at home and went to the junk yard a couple of times.

The cousins came for a week, and the boys had lots of fun with them.

Here is what has been happening here lately:

...Jar continued to work out a lot

...I ate these delicious tomatoes for lunch (that is all I had)

...Jar and Cam got to use Kyler's Oculus Rift

...a months supply of protein bars

...Jar brought this home to me from Trader Joe's after being with his cousins at Mod Pizza

...we went to church and then to Red Robin for lunch with family at the mall

...Michael trying the Oculus Rift (the boys were laughing at him)

...more spring flowers are blooming

...goofy Zena

...grabbing pizza at Sizzle Pie while waiting for the boys and cousins in downtown Portland

...making a salad bar at home

...making a salad for Michael's lunch from my salad bar tray

...busting out of the seams

...Jar's new Jordan sneakers from Ross

...painting my nails and working on my schedule

...what a cutie!

...a salad for myself for dinner using the salad bar tray (works wonders)

...Cam went hiking with all the cousins (Jar had to work)

...the cousins did the downtown Portland thing

...the guy cousins went thrift shopping

Other happenings around here lately:
  • Michael went to a Homeowner's Association meeting and was voted to become a board member
  • Michael had a lot of papers of the boys to grade
  • The cousins came over to hang out at our house for the day
  • I listened to The Greatest Showman soundtrack all day long
  • Michael worked on the wiring for the Jeep
  • I did lots of laundry
  • Michael and I watched a lot of Criminal Minds


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