
Monday, March 27, 2017

Life Lately

I have not posted for a while...just a lot going on lately and priorities were elsewhere. We had some fun stuff going on the past three weeks though. Here are photos of what has been happening here lately.

...Jar had his Lock-In with the Youth Group at the church

this was the moon when we took him to the church

this was the sky the morning of the Lock-In 

...after the Lock-In (at 7 a.m.)

this is what Jar took to the Lock-In

...these were the photos they took during the Scavenger Hunt of the Lock-In

...this is what Jar was doing at 7 a.m. when Michael went to pick him up at the church

...when Jar came home, he sat on the counter and filled me in on what they did at the Lock-In

...Michael got Jar's room ready for him to go to bed after the Lock-In. After Jar filled me in on what they did at the Lock-In, he went straight to bed and slept for five hours.

...I cleaned and organized the laundry room

...I get ready in the hallway on Sunday morning. I use a metal black chair to hold my stuff

...I saw this note on Jar's desk :)

...Cam's pile for church

...My pile for church...with Jar's smoothie

...our view on our way to Small Group 

...I made breakfast for dinner (I had Jar take some cool photos with my phone)

...on Pi day, I had Cam pick up some pie and ice cream

...I got some great books at the Library

...Jar is paying off his snowboard equipment. Here he is washing the windows.

...I got a makeup case so that I could have all of my makeup in one place--I love it!

...We found a new favorite--Jersey Mike's Sub's (the place smells like a Pennsylvania hoagie shop and tastes like a Pennsylvania hoagie)

...Jar has been very consistent working out lately

...I got two neat books at the Library

...the boys had a rare opportunity to work out together

...Michael and I drove around looking at property

...a few days before snowboarding, we practiced putting Lily in this pen so she could get used to being in there for when we were gone all day long snowboarding

...I made a good chicken, rice, and green bean dish

...Our snowboarding trip

...we were finally able to get some yard work done (Cam did the weed-eater, Jar did the mowing, and I pulled weeds)

...spring flowers are blooming (so beautiful)

...Cam was sick, so I had to take Jar to Youth Group (Jar drove there, and I took these photos) I love this reminds me of my grandma's barn

...I got this "sneak peak" mini magazine--COOL!

Other happenings around here:
  • It snowed here
  • Michael and I watched the TV versions of Red and Red 2 (they were comedy-action movies)
  • Cam talked with Colleen about not working the closing shift (it was causing him anxiety)
  • Zena got stitches removed
  • Michael, Cam, and I ordered Red Lobster food and watched Sully

  • Survivor TV show favorite
‘Survivor: Game Changers’: Now you can predict who’ll win Season 34 and who’ll be voted out first:

  • Cam finished his two classes and had spring break
  • We met Grace's parents
  • We had time-change Sunday
  • We had Muchos Gracias for lunch and watched The Flash
  • It rained a lot...sometimes very hard
  • We watched The Voice
  • Our mail key kept getting stuck...we sprayed it with lubricant oil--it worked
  • Lily make it known that I needed to get some toilet paper because she was ready to go poo :)
  • We went to someone in our small group's house for lunch
  • I made Michael and I BLT's and we watched When Calls the Heart
  • Cam worked out at 6 a.m. He did burpees last and ended up throwing up because he had nothing in his stomach
  • I cut Michael's hair
  • Cam got sick with head cold
  • Cam bruised his ribs on two of his falls while snowboarding


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