
Saturday, May 14, 2016

April Camera Dump

Since I purchased my cell phone a year and a half ago, I rarely take photos with my wonderful Cannon D40 camera. I really only use the camera for camping/vacations or things like graduation. When Cam started taking photos recently on a regular basis with his camera, it inspired me to try to take more photos with my camera. It really does take much better photos than my phone. The camera especially takes much better photos of people. The photos of Jar are awesome!

Here are my photos from the month of April:

the after of braces work

stepping stones to get to the truck when it is soggy wet

I love it when Cam plays this

this is what the boys got me for Mother's Day


1 comment:

  1. So the picture of the stepping stones reminded me that I need to finish that project--they need leveled.
