
Friday, December 18, 2015

Life Lately

Jar was practicing the guitar...Lily sat in between his legs while he played. She is so funny!

I love the Christmas lights...I love to turn them on in the morning when I get up.

Jar is all dressed up doing school. He was trying on outfits to wear to church on Sunday, and then he decided he liked it so much that he kept it on all day long.

I decided to put all of my paper lists on took me 3 long days to get it done, but now I have no more paper lists. I am moving closer and closer to a tiny house simple life. (yes, I know that 1,400 sq. ft. is not necessarily compared to 200 sq. ft., but it is much smaller than we have ever lived in. My goal is to really pair down and make our life just simple and easy)

Jar and I ran errands one day this week...this was the beautiful scene out my car window as I waited for him to run an errand.

I caught a great picture of the boys during prayer for offering during the church service on Sunday. They have always folded their hands during prayer...since they were little.

I think that he forgets that he is not in Florida is cold outside.

I got the boys two treats this week...

...the boys and I did our annual downtown shopping this week. Here is our pile as we get ready to go. Whenever we go out, we do all of our stuff all at once. is our chauffeur is the backseat passenger

...we saw these huge packages of Whitman's chocolate. They are 40 oz. The normal small ones are 1.75 oz. YUCK! These aren't even that great.

...getting my Christmas cards ready to send

The boys are both done with school...they plan to watch the whole Harry Potter series over the Christmas break.

Cam went to his church college class Christmas party this week. They had a White Elephant exchange. This is the gift he took...a Coleman thermos. he is on his way out the door to the party is the goofball

...this is the drawing that he has been working on lately is the gift that Cam came home with from his college party (he got pulled over on his way home...he was in our neighborhood. His taillights were not working - must be related to the inside light switch that is not working. I feel badly that he got pulled over. He said that his heart was racing) we got a package from Aunt Sherry. We so look forward to this every year. The boys were so excited to see the gifts from her. They look forward to opening them. Lily loves her blanket. She has already been using it.



  1. I love all these pictures, Amy. I hope Cameron didn't get a ticket. He shouldn't have-just a warning to get the lights fixed. My heart would have been pounding,too. Love all you guys.
    Mom and Grandma

  2. Lily is too funny; and the boys are so GQ.
