
Thursday, May 14, 2015

My Sweet Baby

My sweet baby just had his wisdom teeth pulled last week...yes, he is my baby, even though he is 15 1/2 years old. The swelling in his cheeks is almost down...and he finally seems back to normal. Tomorrow, he can begin to eat "normal" food. He told me that he was so done with cold, sweet food (like jello, pudding, ice cream, yogurt). He wants all of the normal food that I make.

I was putting together a letter for Cam for his graduation, and I came across a cute photo of Jar. He has always loved to wear his hair spiked up in the front. What a cutie pie!!!


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad he's getting back to normal. I can remember that exact spot in our old house--I miss those days a lot.
