
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Glimpse of my weekend

Of course, I already filled you in on what we did on Saturday (Valentine's Day).

We got to sleep in on Sunday morning because we did not have Sunday School. That was nice.

I made Jar some fancy hot chocolate before church.

We were supposed to go out to lunch after church with a couple from church. They both ended up being sick, so we went to the Mexican restaurant without them. It was a lot of food (we had enough for dinner too), and it was yummy!

Michael worked on the stereo system in his car all afternoon. I took a nap and watched some Hallmark shows. The boys spent some time with their cousins.

Sunday evening Michael and I watched our Alaska shows and then watched the movie "Trouble with the Curve". It was a great movie. We really enjoyed it.

Trouble with the Curve - Not good reviews from Rotten Tomatoes but I enjoyed it.  Just a warm, fuzzy film with another great performance by Clint Eastwood.and good performances by Amy Adams and Justin Timberlake.

On Monday, we all slept in until 9:00. That felt so nice. I made the boys strawberry cream cakes for breakfast. 

Beautiful, Creamy Strawberry Cream Cake, from America's Test Kitchen/Cook's Illustrated

I watched Undercover Boss, while Michael gave Zena a bath. The boys played some games with their cousins.

Jar then talked his dad into going to Guitar Center so he could buy himself a new electric guitar. He was pretty excited.

Cam tuned it up for Jar.

It was a fun weekend.

1 comment:

  1. It was a great weekend. The sleep was great, strawberry cream cakes were delicious, and the movie was terrific.
