O N E:
Jar is preparing to take his test for his driver's permit.
T W O:
We use a lot of bananas every week...I make the boys smoothies after their workout.
T H R E E:
I got some magazines this month to read.
I got some magazines this month to read.
F O U R:
Don't you just hate chores. I wash so many dishes during the day. I only use the dishwasher when I just have so many dishes at one time that I just can't stand to wash them. Hey, but I heard someone say one time that a lot of chores...laundry or dishes...means that you have people to do those for--Of that I am very thankful.
F I V E:
The boys love German pancakes. I don't make them very often (because of the white flour), but last week I made some for them.
I didn't get any of the German pancakes--be sure to save me some next time! :)