
Saturday, July 19, 2014

French kids eat everything

I just finished reading a book, "French Kids Eat Everything." I really enjoyed it. I think we have so many things wrong in America. We eat way too much, and we think that we have to be eating all of the time. We don't know the feeling of being hungry. I enjoyed what the book had to say, and I took away these 10 tips they had to offer.

French Food Rules:
  1. Parents: You are in charge of food education for the kids
  2. Avoid emotional eating (which is what America thrives on)
  3. Parents plan/schedule meals and menus
  4. Eat family meals together (no distractions-tv, movies, etc)
  5. Eat your veggies (have variety)
  6. You don't have to LIKE it, but you do have to TASTE it.
  7. No snacking!!! It's okay to feel hungry
  8. Slow food is good happy food (eat slowly)
  9. Eat almost always REAL food (treats are only for special occasions, very seldom)
  10. Remember eating is joyful--RELAX!!


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