
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Canada Trip: Day 1 & 2

We headed out on our camping adventure to Canada on Saturday, June 21st. We drove to Bellingham, WA. It was a really pretty drive, and the campground was really nice. That evening we headed into the small town of Fairhaven, WA. Cam needed to find another book to read, because he had finished all of his. (the whole Maze Runner series)

Fairhaven was a really pretty small town. I loved it. We walked through the town. We went into Wendel's Bookstore. Cam bought a book. We also stopped at Rocket Donuts and got donuts for the boys' breakfast the next day. We also ordered pizza from Fat Pie Pizza--we got a chicken and sausage white pie Chicago style pizza. It was delicious.

D A Y   O N E:

Getting ready to head out of the driveway

Seattle, WA

Seattle, WA

Seattle, WA

Taking a snooze

Our campsite

cute town of Fairhaven, WA

Funny book title

town of Fairhaven, WA--by the water

D A Y   T W O:

We got on the road at noon. In about 40 minutes we were at the border. We only had to wait 20 minutes to get across, and we had no trouble getting across.

We arrived in Vancouver, BC Canada at 4:30 p.m. We were tired. We got the camper set up, and then Michael and Jar went to get dinner at Five Guys Burgers and Fries. We rested that evening and went to bed at 10 p.m.

Getting in line to cross the border

Crossing the border

Crossing the new bridge into Vancouver BC

City of Vancouver BC

Campsite in Vancouver BC

This was the campground, but this side looked like a camper dealership


  1. Fairhaven was a great little town--would love to live there. Glad the border crossing didn't take very long--and we didn't have any issues.

  2. Well, I must have done something wrong, my comment was not there after I hit publish! So, I'll have to rethink what I said. I had been commenting for about a half an hour and multi tasking on the phone, texting! Anyway, I remember I commented that we could have strawberry shortcake when I come out there but you'd have to freeze the berries (Dec. out of season for them). It looks so good, except I don't do Almond Milk. No milk, except with a lot of sugar in cereal! Or when used for cooking. Mother always said, after she took me off the bottle I never drank milk! I think seeing Pa Herman milking cows and me trying to, that the thought of it all, caused me to dislike the thought of drinking it! Looks like so far your trip was full of sites to see & beautiful weather. I'll have to look at the rest tomorrow. I worked late last night to get off at noon today. Going to bed earlier so hopefully I can get up in the morning, lots to do. The boys are growing so. I can't wait to hug them & play whatever they want to! Plus, eat wherever they choose! They are so special & I have not had much time with them. I do so miss Tom. We would have been out there more if he were still here! But, God is in control & He knows best! Life goes on. Love you. More later:)
