
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Song of the Week: Songs by Home Free

I love a really good Acapella group. I especially love a group that has a really good base. You already know that I love Pentatonix, and they have a great base. Another group that I love is Home Free. The base in this group is unreal. I get goose bumps when I hear it. The boys get tired of me playing it over and over and over again.

There are two songs that I love that they do. I think I may have posted them before, but I want to post them again.

My favorite one that they do though is...

I really suggest that you listen to them with stereo headphones, because you won't get the whole affect without them.

1 comment:

  1. I've always dreamed of singing bass for a quartet or men's group, but I doubt I could ever hit that low note. Truly enjoyed watching this group perform.
