
Monday, June 16, 2014

Glimpse of my Weekend

It was a great Father's Day weekend. We did not do anything big, but we did a few small things that made it special.

F R I D A Y:
    On Friday night we watched some of our shows. I made some goulash and garlic bread. Michael picked some olives up for me at Whole Foods...I had been craving them all week.

S A T U R D A Y:
     On Saturday, Michael got up early to caulk the camper. I did my workout on the Elliptical. I also made the boys German pancakes, and I made brownie chocolate chip cookies. We took Michael to see Spiderman 2 for his Father's Day treat.

After the movie, we stopped at Best Buy for a little bit, and then we stopped by Wendy's for small frosty's. When we got home, Michael headed back outside to work on the camper. The boys and I just hung out.

S U N D A Y:
     On Sunday, we went to church, and then came home and made steak and corn on the grill, with mashed potatoes. It was delicious. We watched a Hallmark movie called Chasing a Dream--it was really good. Michael then headed outside to wax the camper, and I worked on vacation plans. We came together later that night and watched Signed, Sealed, Delivered and some Disney shows



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