
Friday, May 30, 2014

Five On Friday

This was a very busy week. We had something every single day. I am glad that it is over.

O N E:
     Cam had an eye appointment. He was excited because his eyes got a little better since the last appointment. He ordered a little different style of glasses this time.

T W O:
     Last Friday we went to get coffee with Mom and do some downtown shopping. We had a great time.

I love old doors

downtown shopping

I love signs

Grandma got this sweatshirt for Cam for completing his Syllabus with distinction

Cam's finds while we were out

Jar's finds while we were out

T H R E E:
     Cam finished Syllabus and piano. He will no longer take piano lessons. He really had a great teacher the past 5 years.

F O U R:
     Jar had testing this week. He is so glad that is done for the year. We always stop for old fashioned milkshakes on the way home. Jar got caramel, and Cam got peanut butter cup.

I am ready for some homemade strawberry shortcake

F I V E:
     Today we went to the trampoline park with our good friends. The boys have been wanting to do this for a long time. They had so much fun...they were very tired. After the trampoline park, we hung out at McDonald's for a couple of hours. We all had a great time.

It was a great week. We look forward to slowing down a little bit starting next week though.

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