
Friday, May 30, 2014

Summer To Do List

This is our summer to-do list for this year.
  1. Make homemade ice cream
  2. Make smores at a campfire
  3. Go to the coast
  4. Go to a few cafe's on vacation
  5. Go to the Saturday Farmer's Market
  6. Go antiquing
  7. Eat watermelon
  8. Grill out a lot
  9. Exercise daily
  10. Make strawberry shortcake
  11. Make summer pasta salads
  12. Watch fireworks
  13. Go to the lake
  14. Grill pizza on the grill
  15. Grill BBQ chicken
  16. Play croquet
  17. Play ladder golf
  18. Play bean bag toss
  19. Go miniature golfing
  20. Get ice cream cones
  21. Go go-carting
  22. Go fishing
  23. Go hiking
  24. Make lemonade
  25. Make strawberry lemonade
  26. Play four-square
  27. Have a squirt gun fight
  28. Get cooled off in the sprinkler or the pressure washer
  29. Play catch with a ball and glove
  30. Take lots of photos
  31. Play board games
  32. Play some Wii together
  33. Go camping
  34. Have campfires--ask "Would you rather" questions
  35. Read a lot of books


Song of the Week

This is Michael's and my song. It was from the movie Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, which we saw on our first date.


Baseball Tee

I absolutely love baseball tees. They are probably my favorite kind of clothing. I only own 2-3 of these, but I really love them.


Five On Friday

This was a very busy week. We had something every single day. I am glad that it is over.

O N E:
     Cam had an eye appointment. He was excited because his eyes got a little better since the last appointment. He ordered a little different style of glasses this time.

T W O:
     Last Friday we went to get coffee with Mom and do some downtown shopping. We had a great time.

I love old doors

downtown shopping

I love signs

Grandma got this sweatshirt for Cam for completing his Syllabus with distinction

Cam's finds while we were out

Jar's finds while we were out

T H R E E:
     Cam finished Syllabus and piano. He will no longer take piano lessons. He really had a great teacher the past 5 years.

F O U R:
     Jar had testing this week. He is so glad that is done for the year. We always stop for old fashioned milkshakes on the way home. Jar got caramel, and Cam got peanut butter cup.

I am ready for some homemade strawberry shortcake

F I V E:
     Today we went to the trampoline park with our good friends. The boys have been wanting to do this for a long time. They had so much fun...they were very tired. After the trampoline park, we hung out at McDonald's for a couple of hours. We all had a great time.

It was a great week. We look forward to slowing down a little bit starting next week though.

Quote of the Day


Throwback Thursday

I always loved the boys dressed in this costume. It reminds me of the car commercial.


Friday's Letters

Dear Jesus:  Thank you for the nice weather this week. I have loved it.

Dear Michael:  Thank you for fixing the alternator on the truck.

Dear Cam:  I cannot believe how excited you got about a package coming in the mail with a fan in it for your computer.

Dear Jar:  I cannot believe you grew a couple more inches lately.

Dear Lily:  Your hiding under the couch lately is so comical.

Dear Zena:  You are so happy to be outside with Dad today. You are so content when you are with us.

Dear Strawberry Shortcake:  You were amazing. It took me right back to when I was growing up.

Dear Friday Night:  I don't know what we will do tonight. Maybe we will see if Redbox has a movie.

Dear Saturday:  I plan to do laundry, and the boys plan to work on the car. We have to get it out of here in a couple of weeks.

Dear Olives:  I love you so much. I could eat you every single meal.

Dear internet:  I have been having so much trouble with you lately. It is so annoying.

Dear Mom:  I am glad that you get to come over today. I hope you have a good time and feel relaxed.

Dear Exercise: I am excited to get back to you full force next week. I have really missed how I feel after I am done working out.

Dear Yard:  You look so much better. All of those white flowers in the yard made it look so junky.

Dear Weather:  You were beautiful this week. We had one hot day, but every other day has been beautiful, with cool mornings and evening.

Dear Mandarin Orange Salad:  You are one of our favorite salads. We look forward to eating you today.

Dear Banana Cream Pie: This is one of Michael and Cam's favorite pies. Mom is bringing it today.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Boys Special Treats

I had to pick up bananas, eggs, and a few other groceries at Target today (we were out because of Cam's Orthodontist Appointment). Cam wanted cupcakes... so this is what the boys got.

Jar's choice - vanilla bean

Cam's choice - red velvet

Mother-in-law Suite

We have tried to figure out a way to get both of our mom's to be able to have a place to stay. This weekend we got it all worked only took us about 4-6 hours to build. We got you both covered, Moms. There are two beds, a kitchen (grill), closet shelving, and a sitting area. (with mini fridge and TV available)

Jar is modeling the sitting area

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a great Memorial Day weekend. It was relaxing, but we also got a lot done.

The boys first worked to get the shelving done in the shed.

Here is the finished shelving:

While the boys were working on the shelving, I cut Lily's hair...not my favorite thing to do.

The boys worked a lot on the car and really got a lot done. I took some photos throughout their work time.

All three boys working on the car


Cam working on the car

Jar working on the car

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday was spent working on the shelving and the car. In between this work, we also rested and watched TV, read, or played games.

On Monday (Memorial Day) I made sandwiches that were incredible...truly restaurant worthy.

Lily wanted some