
Friday, April 18, 2014

Friday's Letters

Dear Jesus:  Thank you for the beautiful weather today. It was gorgeous!

Dear Michael:  It was nice to have you home early tonight...I just wish that could happen more often.

Dear Cam:  You are doing such a great job with your piano practicing. In just 3 1/2 weeks you will do your Syllabus--that is awesome.

Dear Jar: I love how you keep checking with me to see if our friends have emailed us yet about getting together this month.

Dear Lily:  You were wild at dinner tonight. You must have loved the smell of the BBQ chicken and my turkey burger. You kept running back and forth between us all. I think you were hoping that we would drop our plates of food.

Dear Lemon Bars:  I am going to make you this weekend...I didn't last weekend. I just can't get you out of my mind.

Dear Friday Night:  Yes, you are here. It was really nice that Michael got home early. We will be able to just relax for a few hours tonight.

Dear Mom:  We really enjoyed our breakfast with you this week. I really enjoyed that cafe'. We will have to go their more often.

Dear Easter box from Grandma:  We loved getting you today. It was fun to open you up and dump out all of the contents. The boys loved it.

Dear Weekend: I am not sure what we have planned this weekend. It may be quiet. I do know that I have to cut Lily's hair. I don't look forward to that at all.

Dear Books from the Library:  I have really got a lot of good ones this week. I have really enjoyed reading some of them.

Dear Weather:  This week was rainy, except for today. I really remembered how much more I feel like getting things done when the sun is shining. When it is gloomy outside, I don't have much energy.

Dear School:  We only have 3 1/2 weeks of school left. I can't wait. I know that the boys are excited as well.

Dear Disney Shows:  We had 10 of you in our queue. We are watching them all right now for family night.

Dear Shark Tank:  I cannot wait to watch you tonight. I love this show.

Dear Yard:  You look really good right now. Tonight Michael put the turf builder on the grass. I hope that kills the dandelions and helps the yard to become more full.

1 comment:

  1. Great Friday letters--it was nice to be home early this Friday.
