
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Book Recommendation: Choosing to See

I will never forget the first time I heard about Steven Curtis and Mary Beth Chapman and the death of their daughter Maria. I was so sad for them. Michael and I have been Steven Curtis Chapman fans since the early 90's.

When Mary Beth Chapman wrote a book about this tragedy, I knew that I wanted to buy it and read it. WOW! What a tearjerker. I cried so much. When reading the book, I found out that Michael and I had a lot of similarities to them. We were a lot like them.

I highly recommend this book. It is really done well. She is so human in the book--she is open with how she struggled to want to live after losing Maria.

This is one of my greatest fears...losing a child. (losing a child during miscarriage was devastating enough) It just seems unbearable to me. I pray that I never have to experience this.


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