
Friday, September 27, 2013

Fridays Letters

Dear Jesus:  Thank you for your blessings! Thank you for taking care of us and providing for us. Thank you for your love.

Dear Michael:  It has really been nice this week to have you home earlier. Last night was awesome. It felt like we had so much time together.

Dear Cam:  You are a walking encyclopedia. You are always telling me bits and pieces of information about everything. I have become a smarter person (I did not say smart :) ) because of you.

Dear Jar:  You are such an amazing builder. I do not know how you do it. Everything you make is so amazing! You have such a gift.

Dear Lily:  You look so cute in your new outfit.

Dear House Hunters Renovation:  We love your show. It is so much better than House Hunters. We like to see what people do with a house after they buy it.

Dear House Hunters International:  I want to move to Carrick on Shannon in Ireland. We saw an episode the other night about this place. It was amazing! I love House Hunters International.

Dear Middlesworth BBQ potato chips:  You are the best chips ever. I cannot have you in the house though--I cannot say no!!

Dear Weather:  Yuk!! It is rainy. But, I guess it does feel cozy to be inside.

Dear Dad:  Hopefully, you can soon find out what is going on. I am sorry that you have been so sick. I pray you get well soon.

Dear Mom:  I cannot believe that you are going to have laser back surgery next week. I really hope that it works. It will be amazing if you no longer have pain. Praise God for this miracle!

Dear Weekend:  We are so glad that you are here. We have a special evening planned tonight. I am not sure what we are doing tomorrow.

Dear The Rock Wood Fired Pizza:  We cannot wait to try you tonight. I think it is going to be so yummy!

Dear Foyle's War:  Cam found you--I cannot wait to watch you. Your reviews say that you are amazing. I hope so.

Dear TV Shows:  I am so glad that all of the TV shows start up next week. A few started last week and this week, but the full schedule is next week. I love that we have TV now.

Dear DISH:  How did we ever live without you? We don't ever have to waste time watching TV now. We never have to watch a commercial again. Yahoo!

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