
Friday, October 20, 2023

Life Lately (September - October, 2023)

 Things started to slow down a little bit for Michael and I in September and October (there was still a lot of house projects, but it was not as intense as July and August). The boys got busier though as they got to know more people. It was fun to hear about all of their stuff.

Here is what has been happening around here lately:

...the boys went to a pumpkin carving party (with church Life Group)

...the leaves of our tree changed color

...Michael worked on the fireplace wall

...Michael built the closet shelves

...Michael installed the TV in the garage

...we got the photos hung in the hallway

...the boys headed out to a fall party

...the closet shelving

...the boys headed to a Vinyl party

...a beautiful morning grandpa Berguson (back middle)

...Cam changed struts on his car

...Michael's birthday gifts

...I cut my hair (Jar helped with the back bottom)

...the garage is almost done

...I made lots of dinners

...Cam got lots of books from the Library

...Michael brought these birthday gifts back from his LA trip birthday gifts

...I had fun looking through past journals of my birthday celebrations

...I watched Book Club: The Next Chapter

...I decorated a little bit for fall

...birthday surprises

...looking through more past journal entries

...I made myself a yummy birthday breakfast

...Michael went to LA for business

...I got these books

...I got some special treats from Imperfect Foods

...Michael was in LA for business

...Cam reading his Star Wars comic book

...Jar painting D&D figures

...old man getting some sun

...Michael's office when he worked from home

...books Jar is reading

...Jar's lunch

...Cam's lunch

...Michael's birthday gift (2 laps in a race car at 180 mph)

...Cam putting on his Halloween costume wig for me to cut the hair into the right style view

...Michael at the Indy 500 Museum

...finished fireplace wall

...Jar has really grown his legs in the gym the past 5 months

...Cam trying on Jar's pants

...Jar's finished closet

...just relaxing of Cam's new outfits cabinet pulls

...hanging some decor in the garage

...Michael's Halloween outfit (he went as Mike the CFO)

...the boys' Halloween costumes

...Katjana had her baby (Theodore Eliseo Ronald Ruiz)

Other things happening around here lately:

  • we got things organized and put away in the garage
  • we put the truck up for sale
  • Jar met with other Jared from church about videography
  • Jar went to videographers lunch
  • Jar had lunch get-together with Chad
  • Jar did Crossfit with Jeremiah
  • our bedroom furniture came in
  • I made cookies for my birthday week
  • We all watched Meet the Parents
  • Jar interviewed three times for Indie Film Co. job
  • Jar got Indie Film Co. job (he is Social Media and Marketing Manager)
  • Michael and Jar hung the big mirror in kitchen
  • the boys went to game night at the girls' house
  • I watched You've Got Mail
  • the boys went shopping for clothes
  • Michael and I watched Dungeons and Dragons
  • Cam and Bailey had a date at the zoo and coffee afterwards
  • Michael and I watched Love at First Sight
  • The boys had a Halloween party at the girls' house with the Life Group
  • Michael and I watched A Haunting in Venice
  • the boys went with two new friends to watch Five Nights at Freddy's 
  • I watched Puppy Love