
Monday, October 28, 2019

Before and After


Life Lately

...Cam has a junk food drawer in his desk

...Michael set up one of the boys' twin beds in our room, since I am sleeping on the couch right now

...our finished bathroom

...Cam picked up apple cider at Bauman Farms when he went with the college group

...he also stopped at Wheeler Dealers and picked up this junk

...Cam in his beanbag chair with his new blanket and his new Oculus Rift

...Lily living her dream life

...a beautiful fall night

...more pictures of the finished master bathroom

...some fall color in our neighborhood

...I love seasonal catalogs

...taco salad for dinner

...Michael caulking the cracks in the sidewalk and driveway

...the bushes all trimmed and the grass mowed

Michael got a little carried away on the elderberry bush

...Jar texted me that he wanted me to text him photos of him: one from 2010 and one that was on the fridge

...these are the pills Jar takes in the morning for his immune system and his ulcer from H Pylori

...we got Korean BBQ one night from Bimbap House

...I got an evergreen tree for the dining room on the boys' bathroom begins

...I read one of my favorite books again: Martha's Vineyard Isle of Dreams by Susan Branch

...boys' bathroom is almost finished some yummy food for the boys and I while Michael is away on a business trip

...Cam sewing part of his Halloween costume

...Michael's business trip ? for Cam's costume

...Cam practicing with his makeup

...the finished boys' bathroom

...Michael putting screws into the side of the house, as well as caulking

...the three boys went to see For King and Country in concert (I did not go, because I was still struggling with imbalance issues)

Other happenings around here lately:
  • Jar got an A in Micro Economics and his Business class (he thought for sure he was going to get a B in Micro Economics)
  • Cam went to play soccer every Monday...then Dairy Queen and card games afterward
  • Boys went to YAM (discussions on topics:()
  • Boys went to see The Joker with friends
Joker movie Art Silk Poster Decor silk print

  • Michael and I watched Gilmore Girls
  • I finished watching Friends all the way through (I had never done that before)
  • Cam got his resume all finished and sent to Rob (headhunter)
  • Cam got interview set up with Rob (headhunter)
  • I am noticing some changes in how I feel (I am three months in taking progesterone cream; technically really only 2 months, because the first month I did not get to take it fully) This is slow going, but I am feeling just a wee bit better every week. I am finally able to take a shower without having a full blown panic attack. Hopefully going in a vehicle and walking will be more manageable soon.
