
Friday, November 2, 2018

My favorite shoe growing up

My favorite shoe growing up though was my bare feet. I was almost always barefoot. I cannot tell you how many bee stings and splinters I got in my feet growing up...tons for sure. I grew up in the country...I just liked walking barefoot way better than with shoes. Obviously, I wore shoes when I went somewhere, but when I was home, I was in my bare feet.

Mama loved being barefoot as a child and kicked her shoes off all her life. Remember to keep yourself grounded when your world runs amuck.

Bare feet & river water....good for the soul

bare feet - this reminds me of the river rocks at the camp we went to every summer of my life

...we had a rock driveway when I was growing up. I got so used to walking on the rocks in the driveway that it did not even hurt my feet. Friends would come over and not even be able to walk on the rocks barefoot.  One of the joys of growing up in the country.

My favorite shoes growing up

...there were some shoes that I had when I was growing up that were my absolute favorites. I owned some saddle shoes, a pair of clogs, and quite a few pairs of jelly shoes. I loved all of these so much. I probably wore the clogs and the jelly's the most though.

I did NOT like my saddle shoes at. all. because I HAD to wear them... they were the only shoes that my orthotics would fit in. 

platform clogs

Jelly Shoes - To this day I heart jellys!


Thursday, November 1, 2018

Life Lately

WOW! The past two weeks or so have just flown by us. We were really busy. The boys finished their eight-week term of classes, Mom Smith came, and we did a lot of outside yard work and car work.

Here is what has been happening around here lately: hydrangea bushes are changing colors

...silly Zena

...this looks like a cafeteria meal, but it was really good

...Mom and I did her yard sale (glad that is over)

Dad once got this for Mom as a gift (that thing made such a mess the whole yard sale...someone bought it the last day)

Everyone who came to the yard sale said, "Someone sure loves bears here."

...Mom's house decorated for fall

...I spray painted a beard on Cam's face to see what it would look like (with my spray hair color)

...getting ready to go to work

...a spider on a sunny afternoon

...Jar carrying Dad's junk

...enjoying a beautiful fall day

...downtown Salem shopping with Mom Smith

we got Cam some creme soda

...Kyle built this tree house and patio area in an art supply store in Eugene, OR

...Barnes N Noble shopping

...Thistledown Farm Market (a fun stop on our way home)

...what fun things one finds on long drives in the country

...what two guys do on long drives in the country

...beautiful scenery on our long drive in the country

...another Farmer's Market on our way home

...we took some fun fall photos at this location

...driving on OSU campus in Corvalis, OR

...Antique shopping with the boys and both Mom's in Aurora, OR

two old farts waiting on the women

that is a lot of junk...I mean antiques...treasures

...Woodburn Outlets shopping

...cute Library find

...sheet pan dinner

...Jar's finished masterpiece

...Jar trying on his Halloween costume

...Cam sewing for the first time (sewing his Star Wars costume) new Christmas mug

For King and Country was on Home and Family

...Farmhouse Show with Mom and Cam

...this is the only thing that I bought at the Farmhouse Show

I got it for the grandkids one day
 ...Cam trying on part of his costume (he made this shirt)

...Jar brought this home to me "just because"

...another sheet pan dinner

...the boys, Lily, and I had to go into the laundry room for about ten minutes during a tornado warning

...Jar headed to work in his Halloween costume

...what a cutie

...Other happenings around here lately:
  • we had special services in the new unfinished building...pretty incredible

  • Mom/Grandma Smith came and stayed at my mom's house 
  • Jar showed Gma Smith all his stuff and played the guitar for her

  • Cam showed Gma all his stuff and played the piano for her

  • we watched YouTube videos...Cam showed us a horror sheep one :)(:
  • we played Boggle together
  • Michael and Mom Smith went for a drive in the Malibu

  • Michael and Mom went to Red Lobster for lunch (all-you-can-eat shrimp)

  • we voted

  • the boys dressed up for Halloween at work

Cam dressed as Jar (produce uniform)

  • ...Lily snoozed with Jar while I ran errands

  • Michael and I watched a lot of Criminal Minds
  • I talked with Chris for two hours on the had been about thirteen years since we had spoken on the phone with each other (it was better than wonderful!)

  • Cam picked up some mochi at work

    • Cam went by himself to pick out some material at Joanne Fabrics

    • this was when Jar was halfway finished with his eagle project
