
Monday, March 12, 2018

Cheap Decor Change-Up

I was looking for a change in our master bathroom...that did not cost much. It has been the brown and gold for almost 12 years now; I was ready for a change. I found a new shower curtain and new rugs at Target for $ looks like a new bathroom. I love it!





March/April Goals

Love to all Bloggers from Blog Milk Shop #blogger and #wordpress themes. #Quotes:

These are my March/April Goals:
  1. Begin a list for Jar's senior photos
  2. Jar finish last year of homeschooling
  3. Jar get new suspension parts for his Jeep
  4. Michael put on new suspension parts on Jar's Jeep
  5. Jar and Michael try new Korean BBQ restaurant
  6. Jar and Michael go to 4 x 4 shop
  7. Boys go snowboarding one last time this spring
  8. Finish my last two months of homeschooling
  9. Get window tint on Jar's Jeep
  10. Get window tint on Cam's Subaru
  11. Have maple tree and stump/roots cut down/out
  12. Redo front yard/possibly plant new tree
  13. Pressure wash the house and all concrete
  14. File taxes
  15. Weed all of yard and flower beds
  16. Pay off most of credit card
  17. Get new shower curtain and rugs for master bath
  18. Spring clean the house
  19. Declutter the bookcases
  20. Organize the whole house
  21. Declutter whole house
  22. Michael and I work out together every night
  23. Michael and I go to marriage Sunday School class by Paul Tripp
  24. Jar play cajon in Youth Group
  25. Cut Lily's hair
  26. Cut all of the boys hair
  27. Plan Jar's fall year
  28. Order Jar's graduation announcements
  29. Go to the coast for the weekend
  30. Take more photos with my camera
  31. One family day per month

On Sale

Ever since I can remember, I have been all about the deal I could get. I have always loved yard sales, thrift stores, Goodwill Stores, and the sales aisles. I have always used whatever coupons I could find. I love to get a good deal. But...sometimes it has become all about the deal. If it was on sale, I might still buy it even if I had 6 bottles of that same cleaner at home; even if I had 10 other pair of yoga pants at home.

In the past I have bought things for the house just because they were a good deal, not necessarily because I absolutely loved them and had a place for them. I am now saving the money until I have enough to buy what I really want (like living room and dining room furniture). I have learned the hard way that buying what is cheap or a really good deal does not make for a good buy all of the time.

Lately, I have become more about the minimal lifestyle. I am nearing 50, so I know what I like...I am using what I have now until I buy new stuff. It helps me not have to store as much stuff as well.

Just because something is on sale doesn't mean you have to buy it so you think you saved a bunch of money.

This Pin was discovered by Willow and Kate. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest.


Friday, March 9, 2018

February Boxes

Birchbox Box

Yuzen Box

Bulu Box 
Walmart Box

Sephora Box


Life Lately

It has been pretty quiet around here lately. Michael was gone for a week, the boys did work and school, and I kept everything running smoothly around here.

Here is what has been happening around here lately:

...Jar has still been consistently working out

...I got rid of one of the end tables in the living room (it was 45-50 years old; Michael and I bought it from my mom and dad when we were first married 25 years ago, and they had it for 15-25 years before that)

...I finished this book

...Michael did some yard work

...Jar wore a pair of his new boots to youth group

...we went to Trader Joe's to get stuff for when Michael is gone

...I watched The Voice

...I got some cleaning supplies

...this is the only sparkling flavored water that I like

...I found this coffee on Amazon

...Lily likes to squeeze in beside me on this chair

...Jar's newest drawings

...Jar got a new belt to do weighted exercises

...Mom always makes my brother a fruit cocktail cake for his birthday (she saved me a piece)

...this was the sky one morning this week

Other happenings around here lately:
  • Cam has been under the weather the past couple of days
  • Michael has a lot of stress at work
  • Michael and I watched The Blacklist, The Good Doctor, and some Criminal Minds
  • I did tons of laundry
  • Jar has been playing the cajon at Youth Group every week
  • Zena dances to Jar's music
  • Cam has been taking a lot of night sky photos
