
Monday, January 29, 2018

January Boxes

Test Tube Box

Birchbox box

Bulu box

Allure box

Sephora box

L'Occitane box


Life Lately

We have been pretty busy the past three weeks. Here is what has been happening around here lately:

...Cam started his spring classes in college

...Michael and I watched the college championship game (Alabama vs. Georgia). Alabama won

...Jar wore his Stranger Things shirt and vest

...I organized the freezer

...I organized my Washi tape

...Cam's room needed cleaned and organized

...Cam in the process of organizing (it gets worse before it gets better)

...Jar's new drawings

...Cam's organized closet

...I organized the hall closet

...Lily had her cyst removed

...I got some peppermint bark from Williams Sonoma (after Christmas sale)

...Michael picked up these huge things at the grocery store

...Jar wearing his new boots

...Cam doing his last financial check-in for college

...I had purchased some on-the-go protein powder online at a really discounted price. It came with most of the packets broken inside. I contacted the company...was very kind...but let them know of this issue. They sent me 2 new bags for free. COOL! It pays to be kind.

...I love spatulas and serving spoons (even though I hate to cook). I got rid of some of my old ones to clean them out

...I have taught the boys from the time they were little to put away carts when you see them out in the parking lot or on the sidewalk. It only takes a few more steps to help out a little bit.

...this is what Jar does when a gory part come on The Good Doctor

...Jar working out

...Jar's lunch

...what Cam got from Kyler for Christmas (they all ordered gifts from overseas, so they did not get here until now) devotional book from my stash for the new year

...Jar's school for the new semester (his last semester of high school)

...we have a bunch of monkeys in our house (the boys eat this many in one week)

Other happenings around here lately:
  • Both boys started up school
  • Youth Group started back up for Jar
  • Jar did the cleaning crew at work (2 nights of 10-6)

all clean
  • Michael did receiver/speaker set-up in house and garage
  • Michael and I watched lots of Criminal Minds
  • We watched 3 episodes of The Good Doctor
  • It has been warm lately...55-60 degrees
