
Monday, October 10, 2016

Camping Trip

We went camping...kind of last minute. Cam was able to get off for a weekend. This is only our second camping trip of the summer (usually we had done 5-6 camping trips by now). 

We had a great time. We hung out, took walks, read books, watched movies (it rained all day long on Saturday). We watched Goosebumps, The Italian Job, Miracle from Heaven, Jungle Book, Eddie the Eagle (our favorite of the weekend), Cast Away, and Last of the Mohicans. We went from a Thursday night to a Sunday morning.

Jar took a selfie

Jar took this with his phone

Life Lately

We have been pretty busy here the past week or so. Here is what has been going on here.
  • my flowers are still alive...I added some of my hydrangeas from the yard to the mix

  • we went bowling with some new friends

  • Lily napped

  • Cam got his tires balanced on his car...while he waited he went to Macy's and tried on some shirts

  • Cam got a new work uniform

  • I made a yummy breakfast one day

  •  we went camping

  • Michael and I went on a date to Red Lobster (he wanted endless shrimp)


Monday, October 3, 2016

Fall Season

My favorite season is fall. I love the changing of the leaves, the crisp mornings and evenings, pumpkin flavors, pumpkins and mums...and much more. When we were gone camping this past weekend, we saw many hints of fall. It was beautiful.

